Monday, August 16, 2010

Beastly Classifer Descriptions

After the scavenger hunt, everyone gathered in the Library to learn about and vote on the plans for Thursday night's performance. Our Film maker, Wayne Betts Jr, will join us tomorrow so in the meantime I used the time to gather ideas for merging the ASL Skits with the Film. We then scouted out shoot locations for 2 special scenes for real time filming. The rest of the scenes will be done with the Green Screen technology. The campers are really excited about the idea of pretending to swim in water that is later added by computer effects.

This video is a sample of a camper's work creating a beast with Classifiers. We took turns sharing "Beastly Classifiers" with each other, with the emphasis on facial expressions. The work was as expected, some gory, silly, beautiful, and scary!

The evening activity wrapped up with Line Tag, Number Game, and last but not the least- the beginning stage of a new camp cheer.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutly love the blog! What a terrific idea! Its great to have the opportunity to see what my little guy is doing this week. And it looks like a busy one, filled with lots of fun and adventure! I'm looking forward to checking in again tomorrow and seeing what all the little 'monsters' are up to!
